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Annika Connor

Annika Connor

The Hitchcock Kiss

QF Gallery, 98 Newtown Lane, East Hampton

June 15 - 30, 2013

Opening reception Saturday, June 15, 6 - 8 p.m.


Quattlebaum Foretich Gallery is pleased to announce Annika Connor's solo exhibition, The Hitchcock Kiss.

Looking through a wistful lens, Connor creates work that entices with opulence, romance, and mystery, rather like a naïve notion of the Hamptons themselves.

The Hitchcock Kiss takes the viewer into a maze of color and fantasy, an estate of memory with luscious gardens, shimmering rooms, iconic animals, and humans bracing and embracing. 

By blending contemporary moments with cinematic nostalgia, Connor's paintings tell a tale of connection and intrigue, wonder and dazzle, and play with the idea of looking backward to look forward.

Connor’s work was featured in Opulent Visions at Ford Projects, and in Watercolors, a survey of contemporary watercolor painting at Phillips de Pury in 2012.  Connor joined the Screen Actor's Guild in 2007.  Her performative work directly influences and informs her paintings.  In 2006, Connor founded Active Ideas Productions as a means to explore ideas outside of the studio that address the intersect of art and business. In 2002, Connor received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Connor grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and spent her summers in the Swedish Archipelago. She has lived in Barcelona, Chicago and London, and currently lives and works in New York City.